Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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Episode 29: Shoulder and Rotator Cuff Epidemic!

Episode 29: Shoulder and Rotator Cuff Epidemic!

 (1:13) Jake has gotten more calls about shoulder/rotator cuff issues over the past 18 months than ever before (1:59) We are going to go over signs & symptoms of rotator cuff problems compared to an impingement, causes of shoulder dysfunction, whether you should get an MRI or X-Ray, how to interpret your MRI, do youListen Now»

Episode 28: How Supplements Supply Your Body Properly

Episode 28: How Supplements Supply Your Body Properly

    *This week we are going over supplements (1:24) Supplements are personalized but we will go over the ones we have in store and they are individualized (1:55) I don’t recommend anyone taking supplements without talking with their medical provider (2:15) When we do supplement recommendations to our clients, we do lab work, bloodListen Now»

Episode 26: The Basics About Gut Health

Episode 26: The Basics About Gut Health

*This week we are going over the basics of gut health and how it affects the body systematically.  (2:25): The curse of knowledge – a lot of times they will forget the vast majority of the population do not know about the very basic fundamentals. (3:53): This week we are going over the basics ofListen Now»