Manual Physical Therapy in Naples, FL
Throw your preconceived notions about Manual Therapy out the window; the techniques we use at Berman Physical Therapy are NOTHING like what you may have experienced at other PT clinics!
In a nutshell...
Functional Manual Therapy™ delivers effective results by targeting the source of your ailment, opposed to treating your symptoms which is commonly found in traditional PT clinics. Whether it's acute neck pain or a 20-year history of chronic low back pain, functional manual therapy delivers immediate results by restoring the body to its natural efficient state. With this treatment technique, it's not uncommon to find the cause of rotator cuff symptoms to be inefficiencies of the cervical spine! Cervical spine dysfunction can contribute to shoulder/arm symptoms including tennis elbow and even carpal tunnel syndrome.
It Means That Manual Physical Therapists Are Hands-On.
We don't do x-rays. We don't order MRIs. We'll never recommend exploratory surgery. We can figure out what's wrong – and how to fix it – by putting our hands on your body and manually finding the problem. If you're having back pain, we don't just treat your back – we dig deeper and find out what's causing the back pain. We don't treat your symptoms, we treat the root cause of your pain – which means we can make sure that it never comes back.
Hands on manual Therapy...
We ALSO use our hands for all treatments! We don't put you on treadmills or hand you a list of stretches to do while an assistant supervises – you could do that kind of thing at home on your own. Manual physical therapy means we spend a full hour with our hands on you, manually mobilizing your joints, massaging your muscles, and literally feeling out what the best strategies are moving forward.
By putting our hands on you and feeling out the problem, instead of just glancing at pictures of your scans, we get a much better idea of how to fix you. Not only that, but our therapists specialize in manual/mobilization techniques as part of a 'hands on' approach to optimize patient care and their eventual overall outcomes.