Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist Jenni Berman..."

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Episode 7: You are too Subjective to be Objective – Part 1

Episode 7:  You are too Subjective to be Objective – Part 1

You are too Subjective to be Objective. You cannot treat yourself. You cannot heal yourself. You need objective testing, eyes, and results to get where you want to be. Quarterly Nutrition, Exercise, and Physical checks should be done! (1:20): Too subjective to be objective – “feeling, thinking” is subjective, this is not black and white.Listen Now»

Episode 5: Dehydration… It is Detrimental!

Episode 5: Dehydration… It is Detrimental!

Dehydration can cause severe impacts on the metabolism, headaches, bowel movements, energy, sleep, and much more! (3:50): Causes of Dehydration (7:45): When Jenni was sick, she was drinking nearly 2 gallons of water and was still constantly dehydrated. This is a sign of a GI issue or other metabolic concern. (8:26): Effects of dehydration. (10:45):Listen Now»

Episode 4: 5 Ways to Prevent Weight Gain

Episode 4: 5 Ways to Prevent Weight Gain

Weight loss specialist, Jenni Berman, PA-C discusses her 5 Tips to Prevent Weight Gain (or maybe even lose Abdominal Weight) (0:44): Targeted for postpartum, post menopause, or the struggle with abdominal weight. (1:00): The 3 primary reasons for abdominal weight, then we will discuss 5 tips to prevent weight gain or to help you toListen Now»

How important is BALANCE?

How important is BALANCE?

Balance is another one of those funny things like posture. Most people agree that balance and posture are extremely important however very few people do anything to actually try and improve it. The most common answer I hear is “I just have bad balance” essentially using it as an excuse to NOT get better balance.Continue Reading»

Episode 3: How We Changed Our Way of Practice

Episode 3: How We Changed Our Way of Practice

First Chapter of the book “Treating Problems, Not Symptoms” by Dr. Jake Berman, PT, DPT The story behind changing our thought process from Western Medicine to Eastern Medicine, to identify and treat problems instead of treating symptoms, came from Jenni getting very, very sick. (1:23): The same thing can be said for physical ailments likeListen Now»

Golf: Over Swinging = Losing Distance

Golf: Over Swinging = Losing Distance

So we’ve gone over the proper body mechanics required for the golf swing and how improper use of those body mechanics leads to back pain and losing distance off the tee. We also now know that the twisting/turning motions of the golf swing are supposed to come from your upper back (thoracic spine) and yourContinue Reading»

Back Pain and Losing Distance Are Directly Correlated

Back Pain and Losing Distance Are Directly Correlated

In America low back pain is the number one reason why male golfers stop golfing. In addition, statistically speaking, 80% of all Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their life. It just so happens that golfing significantly increases your chances for experiencing low back pain, especially after the age of 50 yearsContinue Reading»