Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist Jenni Berman..."

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Travel Tips and Summer Hacks

Travel Tips and Summer Hacks

It’s Summer Time!! The year is over half way through. There are 192 days until Christmas. That also means there are only 28 more Fridays until Christmas. Isn’t that wild?!  You know what this also means – it is summer time. TRAVEL TIME!!  If you’re anything like us, we travel pretty regularly all year longContinue Reading»

Fiber: What is it and How Much is Optimal?

Fiber: What is it and How Much is Optimal?

Fiber – What is it?Maybe you have heard of Fiber. Maybe you haven’t. Have you heard of Vegetables? Have you heard of Plants? These are the two most common sources of Fiber, though they are not the only ones out there that humans can consume. Fiber is explained to be “roughage” or “bulk”. Fiber hasContinue Reading»

Sugar Alcohols – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Sugar Alcohols – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Let’s Talk Sugar AlcoholsHave you ever heard of them? Sugar alcohols are not sugar, they are not alcohol, they are one of their own. Sugar Alcohols are polyols and are ingredients that are used as sweeteners. They do come naturally from plant products such as fruits and berries. Sounds pretty good, huh?  You might recognizeContinue Reading»

Supplements – To Take or NOT to Take?

Supplements – To Take or NOT to Take?

The Hot TopicShould you take supplements or should you avoid supplements? There is no “one good answer” or “one size fits all answer” here. Let’s break it down. What are Supplements?Supplements or Vitamins are capsules, gummies, liquids, sublinguals, or topicals that are utilized by humans to add nutrients to their diet. Vitamins are a typeContinue Reading»

The Continuous Glucose Monitor

The Continuous Glucose Monitor

The Continuous Glucose MonitorWelcome back! Berman Health and Wellness continues to help hundreds of patients each month reach the highest quality of life imaginable. One of the most common ways we are approaching this is by improving blood sugar stability for each and every patient.  We mentioned back in Blog 3 the importance of bloodContinue Reading»

Your Gut is affecting your Mind

Your Gut is affecting your Mind

September is National Suicide Awareness Month, but every month should have focus on mental health. Mental Health is so important and is more prevalent than one thinks. According to recent studies,1 in 5 adults in the United States live with mental illnessIn 2020, nearly 52.9 million adults were living with Mental IllnessIn 2022, 40 millionContinue Reading»

Blood Sugar: The Things You may NOT Know

Blood Sugar: The Things You may NOT Know

When we hear blood sugar we (or most of us at least) immediately think, “I don’t have Diabetes,” or “My doctor said my sugar is fine,” or “I don’t eat a lot of candy or sugar.”  These are not my top concerns for individuals and their blood sugar. You don’t need to have diabetes to haveContinue Reading»

Our Gut is our Second Brain

Our Gut is our Second Brain

The Gut starts at the mouth → pharynx → esophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine → anus – the whole entire pathway. The intestinal lining makes us or breaks us. The intestinal lining is the inside of our intestines: the borders, the protectors, the keys to our immune system. If we haveContinue Reading»

Meet the ones who will Change Your Life

Meet the ones who will Change Your Life

BERMAN HEALTH AND WELLNESS – WHO ARE WE? Berman Health and Wellness is a Functional Medicine and Wellness practice that helps individuals reach their goal weight and improve their gut health while avoiding needless medications and achieving the highest quality of life imaginable! Berman Health and Wellness specializes in treating problems and not just theContinue Reading»

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