*This week we are going over the basics of gut health and how it affects the body systematically. (2:25): The curse of knowledge – a lot of times they will forget the vast majority of the population do not know about the very basic fundamentals. (3:53): This week we are going over the basics ofListen Now»
"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "
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Category: Podcast Articles: Tips, Exercises, and Advice
Episode 25: The Method Proven to Help You Outdrive Your Buddies and Hit Shorter Irons Into The Green
The Berman Method of Golf Performance: the method proven to help you outdrive your buddies and hit shorter irons into the green even if you are 60 or older. (1:08):Jake has been working, the past year, on developing a technique specifically for golfers over the age of 60 to help them increase distance off theListen Now»
Episode 24: What You Probably Do Not Know About Fertility, Infertility, and Abnormal Menstrual Cycles
(1:26): We discuss fertility, infertility, abnormal menstrual cycle and different auto-immune diseases. (2:26): Jake and Jenni tried for 4 years to have their daughter Stella. They went through fertility treatments. (2:39): They had 2 pregnancies, one made it to the 2nd trimester, a little boy, that they lost and another one they lost earlier onListen Now»
Episode 23: New Year, New You Kickstart Program!
Episode 21: Challenge: The Berman Method of Golf Performance
PC 21: The Berman Method of Golf Performance **Recruiting the right muscles at the right time, that will generate more power. **The method that is proven to start driving out your buddies at the tee and hitting short irons onto the green, even if you are 60 plus. **Helping you enjoy the game more! (0:50):Listen Now»
Episode 20: Challenge: 10,000 Squats in 365 Days!
Podcast 20: Challenge: 10,000 Squats in 365 Days! 10,000 squats in a year will make you stronger next year than you are today. 30 squats a day (with intention) will only take 3 mins of your day. (2:35): Challenge: 30 Squats a day over the course of a year, 365 days. This will come outListen Now»
Episode 19: Exercise Progression
**Exercise is Progressive – something always has been progressing: repetitions, sets, or weight. **Learn about Exercise Progression with sets, repetitions, and intensity! **We can provide weekly workouts to YOUR inbox! (2:50): The weight you are lifting can increase. The repetitions in each set can increase. The number of sets can increase. (5:20): If you doListen Now»
Episode 18: Thanksgiving – Grateful
We are so grateful for even the smallest things – it is hard to remember, but we have to recognize it. We are grateful for the air we are breathing, the car we are driving, the roof over our heads – the support we have, our listeners, our clients…. Be Grateful and Thankful. Thank youListen Now»
Episode 17: Headaches and Our Top ways to Prevent or Fix this!
(1:09): Why do we have headaches in the first place? We will work from the Simplest Fix to more Complex Fix (1:30): Most common reason with the easiest fix to headaches – Dehydration. (2:25): 80 ounces of water minimum in a day for most individuals, 100 ounces or 1 gallon may be recommended for someListen Now»
Episode 16: Knee Pain
**Dr. Jake Berman, PT, DPT Debunks the most common myths about “You NEED a Knee Replacement.” **There is one common reason why you still have knee pain after surgery. (1:00): Can you do anything for me if my knee is “bone-on-bone?” Myth DEBUNKED. (2:45): Sometimes one knee hurts more than the other, but the oneListen Now»