Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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Episode 26: The Basics About Gut Health

Episode 26: The Basics About Gut Health

*This week we are going over the basics of gut health and how it affects the body systematically.  (2:25): The curse of knowledge – a lot of times they will forget the vast majority of the population do not know about the very basic fundamentals. (3:53): This week we are going over the basics ofListen Now»

Episode 19: Exercise Progression

Episode 19: Exercise Progression

**Exercise is Progressive – something always has been progressing: repetitions, sets, or weight. **Learn about Exercise Progression with sets, repetitions, and intensity! **We can provide weekly workouts to YOUR inbox! (2:50): The weight you are lifting can increase. The repetitions in each set can increase. The number of sets can increase. (5:20): If you doListen Now»

Episode 18: Thanksgiving – Grateful

Episode 18: Thanksgiving – Grateful

We are so grateful for even the smallest things – it is hard to remember, but we have to recognize it. We are grateful for the air we are breathing, the car we are driving, the roof over our heads – the support we have, our listeners, our clients…. Be Grateful and Thankful. Thank youListen Now»

Episode 16: Knee Pain

Episode 16: Knee Pain

**Dr. Jake Berman, PT, DPT Debunks the most common myths about “You NEED a Knee Replacement.” **There is one common reason why you still have knee pain after surgery. (1:00): Can you do anything for me if my knee is “bone-on-bone?” Myth DEBUNKED. (2:45): Sometimes one knee hurts more than the other, but the oneListen Now»