Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist Jenni Berman..."

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The Perfect Squat

The Perfect Squat

Today we will talk about the squat! Do you know how many times during the day you perform a squat? You may not realize this, but you are actually squatting a lot more often than just at the gym when you are working out your legs. As humans, we are squatting constantly with our everyday activities. YouContinue Reading»

These 5 Factors May Be Causing Your Migraines

These 5 Factors May Be Causing Your Migraines

How many times were you just minding your business throughout the day and all of the sudden you feel a pounding headache? Migraines can be very frustrating, especially if they affect us on a regular basis. This could lead to bad workdays, arguments with your spouse, and social engagements that feel more like a struggle ratherContinue Reading»