Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist Jenni Berman..."

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How to Stay Hydrated Amidst the Summer Heat!

How to Stay Hydrated Amidst the Summer Heat!

Summer is one season that we’re all looking forward to after facing winter hassles (for those up north). This is the season we enjoy beaches, vacations, a little time off, go out for long drives, visit relatives from other states, play our favorite outdoor sports, and of course, enjoy time under the sun. During thisContinue Reading»

Greens Powders: Should You Be Taking One?

Greens Powders: Should You Be Taking One?

You have probably seen the latest trend and all the hype around greens powders, or supplemental vegetable powders. There are many popular brands out there and they all claim to help reach your daily vegetable and fruit intake. Too good to be true? Let’s take a closer look.What are they?There are endless brands of theseContinue Reading»

Let’s Talk Fats!

Let’s Talk Fats!

What do you think of when you hear the word “fat”?Most of the time this term has a negative connotation, right?.. Well, I am here to tell you that fat is essential in your diet! Your body NEEDS fats! Fats are essential to the development of the human body. Brain and muscle development requires fats. HormoneContinue Reading»