Get Comfortable from The Start
Before you even take off, make sure you are comfortable. Are there too many bags near your feet disallowing you to be in a good position? Making sure you have enough room to allow for proper posture is key. Adjust your seat to allow you to have good foot contact and a slight bend in the knees. Get your seat adjusted correctly so you don’t have to make any adjustments while on the road and make sure your seat belt is on and across your pelvis.
Eat Healthy Foods
Junk foods may be convenient and easy when on the road or hopping on a flight however they may not be the best choice overall. Junk food can lead to indigestion, inflammation, aches and pain and can contribute to an uncomfortable trip altogether. Take the time to pack healthy snacks or make healthier decisions during stops.
Preparation prior to a long drive or flight can set you up for success. Packing healthy snacks and pillows make or break your trip. Pillows and towel rolls can help get you comfortable right at the beginning of the trip or help keep you in the correct position during travel.
Take Breaks
Staying in the same position for long periods of time can lead to stiffness and pain. Taking breaks periodically can allow you to break up extended positions and get the blood flowing. Instead of stopping at a drive through, take the time to get out and stretch your legs. When stopping at a rest stop, take a break to stretch and walk the stiffness out of your body.
Pay Attention to Posture
Being in the correct position and activating the proper muscles can help decrease the aches and pain we can experience during travel. Activating your core muscles and maintaining a flat back can help reduce back pain. Activating the upper back and keeping the shoulders down and back can reduce neck and shoulder pain.