Wellness FAQs
Will I be on a Diet?
The meal plans are not diets. It is not a short-term plan. It is a plan designed to your body with recommended macronutrient (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) goals each day. These goals change depending on the goals, activity level, stress, metabolism (identified through blood work), and current phase of your program. We are creating a lifestyle for you - something you can do initially to reach your PERSONAL goals, then something you can transition to for maintenance to hold onto for life. It is a lifestyle.
Will I have personalized meal plan ideas?
YES. The meal plans are designed to you personally based on your blood tests, metabolism, medications, vitamins, goals, career, sleep pattern, and MORE. The meals and snacks recommended are based on YOUR body. This is why we see our clients so often so we can constantly work, adjust, and perfect.
Will I have to eat meat?
You do not HAVE to eat anything. We work with you personally based on your goals and lifestyle to find the proper proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for your body which can come from animal sources, plant sources, or other options.
Will I have personalized guidance?
Most definitely. We see our clients one-on-one weekly, as well as offer contact throughout the week, to ensure quality care and personalized assistance as you create your new lifestyle.
Will I be put on an exercise regimen?
This is on a person to person basis. We will make weekly commitments on differing topics depending on your goals. If your goal is to move more, we will work this in as well!
Will I have to write my food down?
We do recommend tracking of food to help with objective feedback on changes we can make to achieve your success, however you do NOT have to write your food down or use an App. We have many ideas and options for easy tracking.
Will I have to take medications?
Medications and/or supplements are only recommended if needed based on your blood testing, consultation, and other working variables throughout the program. The medications and/or supplements are solely recommendations to complement the other lifestyle changes we are making, but are NOT required by any means!
How do you personalize the meal plans?
This is based off a one-hour consultation with our Medical Provider, your medical history, medications, lifestyle, goals, and blood testing that is recommended to be performed. The medical provider will also assess any prior testing you have had done (scans, labs, etc).
What should I expect success to look like?
Everyone is different and everyone has different goals whether this is weight loss, improving energy, improving sleep, addressing gut health, improving bloating, abdominal pain, bowel movements, improving headaches, blood sugar stability… the list goes on. Your success process will be discussed in your personal consultation. We do expect our clients looking to lose weight to lose 1-2 pounds of fat each week according to our body composition scale in the office. If we are not reaching this goal (or any other goals you wish to have), we know we need to make adjustments - which is where the weekly visits helps… so we can make quick, tangible adjustments. With that being said, we know lifestyle changes are not linear and we work with you through the ups and downs.
How do you measure success?
We monitor symptoms with a symptom log, body composition with a scale showing Fat Mass, Fat Free Mass, Water weight, and accountability factors in our meetings that we are working to keep each week. We also monitor blood testing throughout the program as well to ensure improvements from the inside out!
Do you work with my doctor?
Absolutely! We prefer to coordinate care with Physicians or Mid-level Practitioners to ensure the best quality care for each individual.
How long is the program?
Wellness Program options differ depending on your consultation and your goal. Many of our clients will stick with us for years, though they may slowly transition down to seeing us once per month rather than weekly.
Do I have to take supplements?
You do NOT HAVE to take or do anything we recommend. Our recommendations are solely to provide the best possible outcome for each individual.
What is a Food Sensitivity Test (IgG/IgE)?
We focus A LOT of attention on gut health in order to reduce inflammation, improve metabolism, and overall add years to your life. Many times we assess the gut health with a food sensitivity and allergy test. IgG is an immunoglobulin for sensitivities, where as, IgE is an immunoglobulin for allergies. Your body can have foods it is sensitive to and foods you are allergic to with very similar OR very different responses and symptoms. Your gut is your second brain. If we have poor gut health and inflammation in our gut, we are destined to have systemic symptoms and inflammation. We decide if sensitivity or allergy testing is needed on a person-to-person basis during our initial consultation.
What happens when the program is over?
We do NOT kick our clients out! We have options for continuation options as we continue to work towards your lifestyle goals and shifting into a maintenance period once you have hit your goals!
Do you have vegan/vegetarian options?
Yes! Meal plans are completely customizable to you and your food preferences.
Are meals prepped?
We do not provide individuals with set meals or snacks they must use, but we do offer some prepped meals in our office that clients CAN use if they choose too. We do carry easy, convenient healthy snacks in the office but these are not required for individuals to use either.
Do I have to give up food/drinks I love?
Absolutely not. This is a lifestyle balance. Our goal is to find the right balance for you and your family. We will make recommendations on healthy options and work the ones you like into your daily meal plan.
Frequently Asked Questions About Our Physical Therapy
Is physical therapy right for my problem?
This is the most common question we hear! Luckily, it’s the easiest one to answer: if you’re in pain due to any of the following problems, then YES, physical therapy is right for you and we know exactly how to help:
- Back pain and stiffness
- Neck pain and stiffness
- Shoulder muscle tension and tightness
- Pain and pins and needles in your leg
- Sports Injury
- Ankle or Knee injury
- Pain in hamstring, calf, groin muscles or the achilles tendon
- Pain underneath your foot
- Pain in your lower back when you sit or stand for even short periods of time
- Pain and stiffness in your back when you put on your socks and shoes
Does physical therapy hurt?
Great question! It’s true that PT is a very physical experience, and as such treatments can often be a little uncomfortable sometimes, but we will always aim to be as gentle as possible and cause minimal discomfort. Before we use any techniques, we will tell you exactly what is about to happen, whether or not it is likely to hurt, and for how long.
Pain is an unavoidable part of physical therapy—BUT, most patients agree that it’s a good kind of pain, like the stretch or muscle burn that one would feel during an intense workout. The discomfort usually reduces as treatment progresses, and we can always recommend things like ice and heat to help reduce the soreness that might be caused by the treatment!
What injuries do you treat?
Here is a list of the common injuries that we see:
- Disc prolapse/herniated disc/slipped disc/bulging disc
- Sacroiliac joint pain and stiffness
- Sciatica
- Spinal Stenosis
- Weak core stability
Neck / Shoulder
- Disc prolapse/herniated disc/slipped disc/bulging disc
- Impingement Syndrome
- Muscle spasm and tension
- Neck Spondylosis (degeneration)
- Rotator Cuff tear
Ankle and Knee
- Achilles tendon
- Ankle Sprain
- Knee Cartilage
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Post-surgery knee rehab
Sports Injury / Muscles
- Achilles tendonitis
- Calf strain
- Groin strain
- Hamstring strain
- Shoulder muscle tear
Whiplash Injuries
Any Injury Requiring Massage
If your injury isn’t on the list, that doesn’t mean we don’t treat it—it just means you’re a rare case! We’d love to meet with you and talk about your situation.
How will physical therapy help my injury?
Physical therapy is as much about the physical as it is about giving you peace of mind. Your physical therapist will aim to reduce your pain and get you active again, but we will ALSO speak to you in a simple way that will give you a clear understanding of your injury—what it is, how it happened, how to fix it, and how to prevent it from happening again!
If you can find your injury or problem on the list above, we’re extremely confident that physical therapy will help—so confident that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee! If you are not 100% satisfied with your treatment, we will personally refund everything you spent with us.
Do I need a referral?
Florida currently allows direct access to outpatient physical therapy services for up to 30 days without a physician referral. That means you can schedule an appointment and begin seeing and feeling physical improvements immediately, without a formal referral! Should your treatment take longer than 30 consecutive calendar days, you can get a referral for "Physical Therapy" from a medical professional (MD, DO, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Dentist, Podiatrist, or Chiropractor).
What should I wear?
To make your experience as comfortable as possible, please bear in mind the location of your injured body part. For example if you have a knee injury, shorts would be ideal. Or if you're suffering a shoulder injury, consider a looser shirt.
Your physical therapist will always aim to remove as little clothing as possible, and we will always respect your privacy if removing an article of clothing makes you uncomfortable. Occasionally patients will ask us if it would be easier or more convenient for us to provide treatment if an item be removed completely. You are free to make this decision.
Can I bring someone with me?
No problem! You do not need to inform us of this decision in advance. If you are accompanied by a friend or family member, we will ask if you would like them to join you in the treatment room during your session. Alternatively, they can wait in reception if you prefer—there’s coffee, chocolate, and a television to keep them occupied.
How often will I need treatment?
That answer is always dependent upon the nature of your injury. Our aim is to return you to full fitness as quickly and as safely as possible. Your physical therapist will be in a better position to answer this after your initial evaluation. An acute/early phase injury may require one or two visits in a short period of time. On the other hand, a more chronic injury such as an arthritic knee problem may require more visits in order to progress an exercise programme to help you self-manage your injury. Either way, we’ll have a clearer answer for you after a Discovery visit and initial evaluation!